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Sr. Recreation Leader

Katherine Curren

Education: I am currently attending University of California, Berkeley.  I graduated from Tesoro High School in 2008.

Certifications: American Red Cross CPR & First Aid

Hobbies: Dancing, the Outdoors, and the Golden Bears!

What are your future goals; personal or with CampCo?
I aspire to be a proactive and enthusiastic Senior Rec Leader at Lake Forest Sun and Sail. Personally, I am working towards graduating from Cal.

What do you like most about working with kids?
Every day I work with kids is different from the last; they bring so much energy and spontaneity to camp—which I love!  I enjoy their sweet dispositions and their simple zest for life.  There is never a dull moment when hanging out with kids, causing the days to fly by!

Tell us about your career with CampCo:
I have worked for Campco as Recreation Staff for the last two summers at Founders School Age Camp.  I had a blast there, and am excited to spend this summer at Lake Forest as a Senior.